What’s life without a challenge?

The trouble with mastery, and seeking it, is that—once you’ve made significant progress in your endeavor—one feels compelled to apply that mastery in a constructive way. Or, more to the point, one's spouse might suggest, after turning one's kitchen into a chemistry lab and exhausting one's disposable income on absolutes, that there should be an end date to this project if it has no intention of ever producing a return.


Founder and nose, Lindsay Masten, turned to the challenge of crafting niche perfumes to relieve stress from her day job. What began as a creative exercise—attempting to recreate scents from people, places, and events that have impacted her life and generated fond memories—quickly got out of hand, and became a full blown endeavor.

The scents of Wild Hazel’s perfumes are very specific to Lindsay’s past and present, and yet—an observer may find that they themselves are reminded of a late summer bayou night, a walk through intertwined fog and cannabis smoke on the way to work in San Francisco’s SOMA district, or a particularly perplexing friend. Different, but the same. Shared, across lifetimes and miles.